Terms & Conditions

Blue Balloon Marketing encourages our clients to read and understand the agreements set forth on your projects. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact a representative.

  • Website Design / Web Development Agreement
  • Pay-Per-Click Management Agreement
  • Search Engine Optimization Agreement
  • Software Development Agreement

Website Design / Web Development Agreements


The Client is engaging Blue Balloon Marketing, (“BBM”), located at Richtistrasse 7, 8304 Wallisellen, Switzerland, as an independent contractor for the specific purpose of developing and/or improving a web site. The Client hereby authorizes BBM to access the it’s FTP account, and authorizes the web hosting service to provide BBM with “write permission” for the Client’s web page directory, CGI-bin directory, and any other directories or programs which need to be accessed for the stated project(s). Should the Client not have a hosting account, BBM may provide hosting at an additional fee. The Client also authorizes BBM to publicize their completed web site to Web search engines, as well as other Web directories and indexes. The Client attests they are the true owner of the website or are an authorized agent of the owner, with authority to enter into this contract for services.

Standard Web Site Package

Domain Registration. BBM will secure a domain name for the Client at the Client’s request. All charges incurred in doing so will be billed to the Client as an addition to the base price contemplated by this agreement. These are InterNIC fees, and are not a source of income for BBM. If the Client already has a domain name, BBM will coordinate redirecting the address to the new host. Should the Client desire a specific domain name, which is already owned by another party, negotiations for said domain name must be undertaken by the Client. BBM has no responsibility for negotiation or purchase of domains.

Text. Copy for the web site must be supplied by the Client in a “.docx” or “.doc” format via disk or email attachment. Otherwise, if not supplied on disk or via email, there will be an additional charge for typesetting.

Graphics. Photographs and other miscellaneous graphic images must be supplied by the Client. Photographs and graphics not supplied by the Client will be an added cost to the contract between BBM and the Client.

Installation. The finished site will be uploaded to the Client’s hosting company or hosting provided by BBM. An e-mail response link on each web page to any e-mail address the Client designates.

Cross Browser Compatibility. Our agreement contemplates the creation of a web site viewable by Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome browsers. Compatibility is defined herein as all critical elements of each page being viewable in above listed browsers. The Client is aware that some advanced techniques on the Internet, however, may require a more recent browser version and / or plug-in. The Client is also aware that as new browser versions of the above listed browsers are developed, the new browser versions may not be compatible. In the absence of a Maintenance Agreement, time spent to redesign a site for compatibility due to the introduction of a new browser version will be separately negotiated and in addition to the base price of our agreement.

CGI / Perl. This contract contemplates one basic form embedded on the Clients web site with the data captured in each form delivered to the Client at the Client’s specified e-mail address. If a specific script beyond this capability is requested by the Client and it must be purchased or created by BBM at the Client’s request, the charge for the script, if any, will be billed back to the Client.

Online stores only

The text and graphic content of the web pages will be supplied by the Client and executed as specified by the Client in the Web Design Agreement (incorporated by reference). It is understood that total prices calculated are likely to vary from the final amount due to different quantities of products, categories, photos, regular pages, etc. in the final store. An Estimate is listed in the Master Service Agreement and/or Web Design Agreement and governs the prices for this contract. Notwithstanding any prices listed in literature or on web pages, the Client and BBM agree that the services described above in this section shall be completed for the amount indicated in the Master Service Agreement and/or the Web Design Agreement and upon this amount the first payment shall be determined. The final pay actually completed at the prices indicated and additional services included. We include e-mail/phone consultation of up to two (2) hours total general internet orientation education, marketing strategy, web design consultation, and helping the Clients learn to use the store software. Telephone long distance charges are in addition to package rates quoted. Additional education and consultation will be at the hourly rate. Product web pages, products, or photos added after the store is ready for advertising to the web search engines will be calculated for actual time spent at the hourly rate specified in the Agreements.

Available Services

This agreement includes all the aforementioned services plus:

Page Redirection / Plug-in Technology. JavaScript programming page redirection based on the presence or absence of a viewer’s browser, plug-in, screen resolution and platform. Note however, that if additional pages are necessary to accommodate specific browsers, plug-in technology, screen resolutions, or platforms additional charges may apply.

Graphic Creation / Banner Advertisements. This custom package contemplates that BBM will create, capture or receive from the Client all the graphic elements necessary to complete the Client’s web site. This includes creation / redesign of the Corporate Identity (logo), ancillary images, animated graphics, photography and banner advertisements. The Client is responsible for all copyright licenses.

Java Applets. This custom package contemplates the use of Java Applets specified in the Master Service Agreement and/or the Web Design Agreement (incorporated by reference). Clients are encouraged to not use Java Applets as many viewers on America Online will be served an error when trying to view the page. Java Applets may also ‘crash’ older computers on download and download times for some viewers can be excessive.

Macromedia Flash Macromedia. Flash is always an option and the specific understanding of our arrangement will be listed in the the Master Service Agreement and/or the Web Design Agreement. Although Flash work is charged by the hour, BBM warrants to protect the Client by specifying a maximum charge in advance which will be listed in the Master Service Agreement and/or the Web Design Agreement. BBM warrants to work earnestly and efficiently to provide service under the maximum charge. Should unforeseen complications arise, the Client will be notified.

DHTML. This custom package contemplates using DHTML technology. The rate to program each DHTML page will be specified in the Master Service Agreement and/or the Web Design Agreement. The Client understands that DHTML technology may not work in older browsers and some DHTML technology is not cross-browser specific.

Real Audio/Video. This custom package contemplates using Real Audio or Real Video on the Client’s site. If chosen, however, the charges for such will be listed on the order form.

E-commerce. This custom package contemplates the possibility of an e-commerce enabled site. If a shopping cart is required for the Client’s site, the charges for the shopping cart will be listed in the Web Design Agreement.

Secure Certificate. If the Client selects an e-commerce enabled site, the Client is encouraged to obtain a secure certificate for online transactions. The Client understands that if they do not obtain their own secure certificate, design capabilities on the shopping cart itself may be limited.

Merchant Account. The Client will need a Merchant Account to enable the ability to accept credit cards online. Any charges necessary to secure the Merchant Account are chargeable to the Client.

Real Time Credit Card Processing. If the Client has a high volume / high sales web site, real-time credit card processing will be desired. In this instance, BBM will assist the Client in obtaining this service. Any charges related to this service are the responsibility of the Client as an addition to this agreement.

ASP / Cold Fusion. Sites requiring database design may require Microsoft ASP or Allaire Cold Fusion technology. Any charges applicable to ASP or Cold Fusion are in addition to this agreement.

Databases. Costs for creation of a database will be specifically listed in the Web Design Agreement.

Training. BBM will provide e-mail and telephone assistance to the Client’s designated representatives regarding management of the Client’s web site at a pre-negotiated rate.

Additional Expenses

The Client agrees to reimburse BBM for any critical Client requested expenses necessary for the completion of the project. Examples would be:

  • Purchase of stock photos at the Client’s request.
  • Purchase of upgraded hosting capabilities at the Client’s request.
  • Purchase of specific fonts at the Client’s request.
  • Purchase of specific photography at the Client’s request.
  • Purchase of specific software at the Client’s request.
Client Amends / Changes

BBM prides itself in providing excellent customer service. That is the spirit of our agreement and the spirit of BBM’s business. To that end, we encourage and require input from the Client during the design process. To facilitate the timely creation of the website and in order to keep the project workflow on time, the Client agrees to respond to BBM requests for information within three (3) business days in order to keep to the estimated time-line of design. The Client’s failure to provided requested information within five (5) businesses days will result in the project being put on hold. The outstanding balance of the contract will be due immediately in order to resume work after the client’s failure to timely respond. BBM understands that the Clients may request significant design changes to pages that have already been constructed to the Client’s specification. To that end, please note that our agreement does not include a provision for significant page modification or creation of additional pages in excess of our agreed page maximum listed in the Web Design Agreement. If significant page modification is requested after a page has been built to the Client’s specification, we must count it as an additional page. The Client will approve in writing additional fees of additional pages prior to work commencing. Electronic methods of communication, such as email, will be considered a writing for the purposes of this Agreement. The additional charges are based on BBM project packages and time spent at the time changes are requested.

Some examples of significant page modification at the request of the Client include:

  • Developing a new table or layer structure to accommodate a substantial redesign at the Client’s request.
  • Recreating or significantly modifying the company logo graphic at the Client’s request.
  • Replacing more than 25% of the text to any given page at the Client’s request.
  • Creating a new navigation structure or changing the link graphics at the Client’s request.
  • Significantly reconfiguring the Client’s shopping cart with new product, shipping or discount calculation if an e-commerce enabled site has been selected by the Client.
  • Changing the POS system from initially established merchant service.
  • Small changes/revisions related to individual pictures, text, content, or graphics that require more than one hour of BBM development time shall be billed at a rate of $95 per hour thereafter.
  • Establishing or setting up hosting, managing email server setup, or managing issues hereto.

Clients who anticipate frequently changing the look of their site during the design process and Clients who desire to be intricately involved in the design of each page are encouraged to negotiate an agreement which exceeds the page maximum. If significant page modification is requested by the Client after the page maximum has been reached a Change Request with estimated costs will be submitted for the Client approval prior to changes being done. Maximum of one revision allowed for the design wireframe and one final revision not to exceed the limits herein. Minor changes, however, will always be covered during our development of the site and also covered by our one month of free maintenance.

Third Party or Client Page Modification

Some Clients will desire to independently edit or update their web pages after completion of the site. BBM is not responsible for any damage created by the Client or agent of the Client. Any repairs required will be assessed at an hourly rate listed in the Master Service Agreement and/or the Web Design Agreement with an one (1) hour minimum charge.

Web Hosting

The Client agrees to select a web hosting service that allows BBM full access to the web site and a CGI-bin directory via FTP and telnet. The Client further understands that if the web hosting service’s operating system is not a Unix system, standard CGI software may not work, and providing a substitute may incur additional charges.

Search Engine Registration

BBM will optimize the Clients web site with appropriate titles, keywords, descriptions and text and thereafter submit the Client’s web site to each of the major search engines. BBM also offers advanced search engine optimization and site promotion services. If advanced search engine optimization and site promotion services are desired the agreement for said services will be listed in a separate agreement. BBM encourages all commercial Clients to obtain advanced Search Engine Optimization and Site Promotion services.

Work Schedule and Completion Date

BBM will submit a First Mockup Draft of the web site within thirty (30) days, but only after BBM receives the signed agreement, along with down payment and initial direction from the Client. Final payment is due thirty (30) days after signing or upon project completion, if completed in less than thirty (30) days. The Client is to provide BBM with all the data needed to complete web site, including text, company logo, and photos. Upon completion of this stage, the Client will be asked to confirm acceptance for the basic site design via e-mail or by signing a printed copy of the design and faxing to BBM. The approval is required within five (5) business days or the project will be put on hold, and the remaining balance on the contract will be due in full before work begins again. Once this acceptance is received from the Client, the work necessary to complete the project will continue. Upon completion of the web site, an e-mail or letter and invoice will be sent to the Client advising the Client that the work has been completed. The Client will supply written approval by printing, initialling and faxing or scanning and emailing of each approved page of the web site. The Client’s failure to provide approval of final design within five (5) business days will result in the project being put on hold until requested approval is provided, and an additional fee of ten percent (10%) will be incurred. This fee will be added to the final contract total and must be paid prior to release of the website. After approval and the contract has been paid in full including additional project cost or late fees, the site will then be uploaded to the Client’s hosting company. Failure to approve or pay for final contract price, and late fees, if any, will result in the web site being deleted from the BBM server after thirty (30) days, and all payments forfeited. The Client will receive notification prior to deletion of web site from server.

Maintenance Grace Period

This agreement includes minor web page maintenance to regular web pages (not store product pages) over a ten-day period, including updating links and making minor changes to sentences or paragraphs. It does not include removing more than ten percent (10%) of the text from a page or replacing the content, and any such request will require additional payment for services. If the Client or an agent other than BBM attempts updating the Client’s pages, time to repair web pages will be assessed at the hourly rate listed on the Master Service Agreement and/or the Web Design Agreement and is not included as part of the updating time. The ten day maintenance period commences upon the date the Client receives possession of the web site after final payment. Changes requested by the Client beyond those limits will be billed at the hourly rate of $95 per hour. This rate shall also apply toward additional work authorized beyond the maximums specified above for such services as: general Internet orientation education, marketing consulting, web page design, editing, modifying product pages and databases in an online store, and art, photo, graphics services, and helping Clients learn how to use their own web page editor. CGI programming charges, if any, are not included in this rate.

Extended Maintenance Contracts

Terms for Maintenance Contracts will be listed in the Master Service Agreement and/or the Web Design Agreement using one of two methods. The Monthly “Flat Rate” Maintenance Contract, payable each month, allowing up to two (2) hours of changes per month, including new pages and store product changes. The “Flat Rate” Agreement is payable each month, whether the time is used or not. Changes requested, which go beyond the two (2) hour limit, are chargeable at the rate disclosed. The “As Needed” Maintenance Contract is a monthly chargeable agreement, higher than the “Flat Rate”, but offering cost savings on sites with little to no changes. Charges incur when Client requests a change with a one (1) hour minimum charge.

Copyrights and Trademarks

The Client represents to BBM and unconditionally guarantees that any elements of text, graphics, photos, designs, trademarks, or other artwork furnished to BBM for inclusion in web pages are owned by the Client, or that the Client has permission from the rightful owner to use each of these elements. Further, the Client hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless BBM and the officers, directors, employees, trustees, agents, investment advisors, collateral managers, servicers, and counsel of BBM (collectively called the “Indemnitees”) from and against any and all liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties, actions, judgments, suits, claims, costs, expenses and disbursements of any kind or nature whatsoever suit from the use of such elements furnished by the Client, including fees, investigation expenses, and reasonable attorneys’ fees.

Assignment of Project

BBM reserves the right to assign certain subcontractors to this project to insure the quality of the project as well as on-time completion. BBM warrants all work completed by subcontractors for this project.

Authorized to Enter Contract

Authorized representative of the Client certifies that they are at least 18 years of age and legally capable and fully authorized to enter into this contract in accordance to the law of Switzerland on behalf of the Client.

Warranties and Liability

The Client agrees that any material submitted for publication will not contain anything leading to an abusive or unethical use of the Web Hosting Service, the Host Server or BBM. Abusive and unethical materials and uses include, but are not limited to, pornography, obscenity, nudity, violations of privacy, computer viruses, harassment, any illegal activity, spamming, advocacy of an illegal activity, and any infringement of privacy. The Client hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless BBM, Web Hosting Service, and the Host Server from any claim resulting from the Client’s publication of material or use of those materials. The Client hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless BBM, Web Hosting Service, and the Host Server and the officers, directors, employees, trustees, agents, investment advisors, collateral managers, servicers, and counsel of BBM, Web Hosting Service, and the Host Server (collectively called the “Indemnitees”) from and against any and all liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties, actions, judgments, suits, claims, costs, expenses and disbursements of any kind or nature whatsoever of the materials on the Client’s web site. It is also understood that BBM will not publish information over the Internet which may be used by another party to harm another. BBM will also not develop pornography, racist, or objectionable content or any software that has been illegally copied and made available (commonly referred to as “warez”) on the web site for the Client. BBM reserves the right to determine what is or is not pornography and/ or objectionable content. BBM does not guarantee the functions of the site will meet Client’s expectations of site traffic or resulting business or that the operation of the web pages will be uninterrupted and / or error-free. BBM is not responsible for occasional downtime of email or web sites due to line interruptions and/or other instances beyond BBM’s control.


The Client agrees that it shall defend, indemnify, save and hold BBM harmless from any and all demands, liabilities, losses, costs and claims, including reasonable attorney’s fees associated with BBM’s development of the Client’s web site. This includes Liabilities asserted against BBM, its subcontractors, it’s agents, its clients, directors, officers and employees, that may arise or result from any service provided or performed or agreed to be performed or any product sold by the Client, its agents, employee or assigns. The Client also agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless BBM against Liabilities arising out of any injury to person or property caused by any products or services sold or otherwise distributed over the Client’s web site. This includes infringing on the proprietary rights of a third-party, copyright infringement, and delivering any defective product or misinformation which is detrimental to another person, organization, or business.

Rights Upon Termination of Agreement

BBM shall transfer, assign and make available to the Client all property and materials in BBM’s possession or subject to BBM’s control that are the property of the Client, subject to payment in full of amounts due pursuant to this Agreement. BBM also agrees to provide reasonable cooperation in arranging for the transfer or approval of third party’s interest in all contracts, agreements and other arrangements with advertising media, suppliers, talent and others not then utilized, and all rights and claims thereto and therein, following appropriate release from the obligations therein. BBM will charge at a rate of $95 per hour for such services and payment is due at the time of service requested for the estimated hours needed to complete services. In the event the Client terminates this contract by registered letter within 10 days, twenty-five percent (25%) of down payment will be refunded. Work completed shall be billed at the hourly rate stated in the Agreement, and deducted from the remaining down payment, the balance of which shall be returned to the Client. If, at the time of the request for refund, work has been completed beyond the amount covered by the initial payment, the Client shall be liable to pay for all work completed at the hourly rate. No portion of this initial payment will be refunded unless a written application is made within 10 days of signing this contract. Refund request must be submitted by registered letter to Blue Balloon Marketing, Richtistrasse 7, 8304 Wallisellen, Switzerland.


Any notice required by this Agreement or given in connection with it, shall be in writing and shall be given to the appropriate party by personal delivery or by certified mail, postage prepaid, or recognized overnight delivery services.

Laws Affecting Electronic Commerce

From time to time governments enact laws and levy taxes and tariffs affecting Internet electronic commerce. The Client understands and agrees to be solely responsible for complying with such laws, taxes, and tariffs, and will hold harmless, protect, and defend BBM and its subcontractors from any claim, suit, penalty, tax, or tariff arising from the Client’s exercise of Internet electronic commerce.

Ownership to Web Pages and Graphics

Copyright to the finished assembled work of web pages and graphics produced by BBM shall be vested with the Client upon final payment for the project. This ownership is to include, design, photos, graphics, source code, work-up files, text, and any program(s) specifically designed or purchased on behalf of the Client for completion of this project. Rights to photos, graphics, computer programs are specifically not transferred to the Client, and remain the property of their respective owners. BBM and its subcontractors retain the right to display all designs as examples of their work in their respective portfolios.


Any disputes arising from this contract will be litigated in Switzerland. This agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Switzerland. All reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred by BBM to enforce these Agreements will be paid by the Client.

Undersigned hereby agrees to the terms, conditions and stipulations of this agreement on behalf of their organization or business. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding of both parties. Any changes or modifications thereto must be in writing and signed by both parties.

Payment of Fees

A minimum deposit of fifty percent (50%) is required to commence work, and will include all applicable local, state, federal, and VAT taxes required to be collected.

Fees to BBM are due and payable on the following schedule: fifty percent (50%) upon signing of contract, remaining balance is due thirty (30) days after signing, or upon project completion, whichever date is sooner. The balance, if any, upon project completion, but prior to delivery / uploading, including any late fees and additional services provided during the course. The final payment must be made prior to delivery / uploading. If the total amount of the contract is less than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000), the total amount shall be paid upon signing of contract and any additional costs incurred during development will be invoiced at the completion of the web site.

Advertising the pages to Web Search Engines and updating occur only after the final payment is made. All payments will be made in US funds (unless previously agreed by BBM and the Client).

BBM reserves the right to remove web pages from viewing on the Internet until final payment is made. If a payment delay is anticipated, please contact BBM immediately for an alternative arrangement. In case collection proves necessary, the Client agrees to pay all reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred by that process. This agreement becomes effective only when signed by BBM. Regardless of the place of signing of this agreement, the Client agrees that for purposes of venue, this contract was entered into in Switzerland, and any dispute will be litigated in Switzerland

Entirety of the Agreement

The agreement contained in this Master Service Agreement and/or the Web Design Agreement constitutes the entirety of the Agreements between BBM and the Client regarding this web site. Any additional work not specified in this contract, must be authorized by a written change order. All prices specified will be honoured for thirty (30) days after both parties sign this contract. Continued services after that time will require a new agreement. This agreement terminates and supersedes all prior understanding or agreements on the subject matter hereof. Any changes or modification thereto must be in writing and signed by both parties.

Pay-Per-Click Management Agreement

Blue Balloon Marketing (“BBM”) Pay-Per-Click (“PPC”) advertising campaigns are based around proprietary competitive analysis methods and selection of optimum keywords. BBM will increase the Client’s web traffic / clickthrough rates (CTR). The methods of BBM’s market analysis and PPC management are trade secrets. As such, all PPC accounts, competitive analysis, market research, and other information gathered will remain the property of BBM.

As part of each PPC advertisement management service program, BBM performs a number of tasks. Specifically, these tasks include:

  1. Keyword Research and Selection. BBM performs market research using proprietary methods to perform market research. Keywords are selected and monitored to ensure the campaigns are employing effective strategies to maximize return on investment ( ROI).
  2. Campaign Management. BBM utilizes proprietary methods to strategically utilize PPC advertising.
Google and other 3rd Party Media Fees

Monthly payments for PPC to Google Adwords and any other third-party advertising platforms will be placed on your credit card. These fees are in addition to the BBM management fees. The Client is responsible for the payment to Google Adwords or other third-party advertising platform. Failure to pay for PPC fees to Google Adwords and any other third-party advertising platforms will result in a suspension of the Client’s account.

Management Fees & Cancellation Policy

BBM management fees are payable directly to BBM and are in addition to the fees paid to Google Adwords and any other third-party advertising platform. All rates provided are for the work actually contemplated by this agreement. In the event that additional work is required or requested beyond what is reasonably contemplated by this agreement, the Client agrees to pay any additional charges for such unanticipated or requested work at an hourly rate or monthly fee mutually agreeable to both parties. The Client authorizes BBM to debit the pre-authorized ACH account or credit card and agrees not too dispute payments with the credit card company so long as the transaction corresponds to the term indicated in the contract. Auto Renewal at the end of the ad-spend cycle is automatic, therefore, if the Client chooses to increase their budget they may have multiple ad spend cycles per month / week / day, PPC agreements must be cancelled in writing to [email protected]. After cancellation notice, BBM will halt spending on any ad platform that is currently being used for advertising. All Fees paid to BBM are non refundable.

Attorney Fees

Any late payment or failure to pay shall be subject to costs of collection, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses.

Limitation of Liability



The Client covenants and agrees to fully indemnify, defend, and hold harmless BBM and the officers, employees, directors, and representatives of BBM, individually or collectively, from and against any and all costs, claims, liens, damages, losses, expenses, fees, fines, penalties, proceedings, actions, demands, causes of actions, liability and suits of any kind and nature, including, but not limited to, injury, death, property damage, made upon BBM, directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from, or related to the Client’s activities, including any actions or omissions of the Client, or their agent officer, director, representative, employee, consultant or beneficiary of this service. The provisions of this indemnification are solely for the benefit of the parties hereto and not intended to create or grant any rights, contractual or otherwise, to any other person or entity. The Client shall promptly advise BBM in writing of any claim or demand against BBM or the Client known to the Client related to or arising out of the Client’s activities under this contract and shall see to the investigation and defence of such claim or demand at the Client’s cost. BBM shall have the right, at its option and at its own expense, to participate in such defence without relieving the Client of any of its obligations under this paragraph.

Governing Law and Forum

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Switzerland. Any action shall be initiated and maintained in a forum of competent jurisdiction in Switzerland. Process may be served on either party by registered mail, postage prepaid, certified or registered, return receipt requested, or by such other method as is authorized by Swiss law.


This document and any attachments incorporated by reference constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to its subject matter and supersede all other communications, whether written or oral. This Agreement may be modified or amended only by a writing signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought. Any provision of this agreement found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or unenforceable shall be automatically conformed to the minimum requirements of law and all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. Neither party shall be liable for delays caused by events caused by acts of God, civil unrest, terrorism, or other incidences beyond the control of the parties. Waiver of any provision of this agreement in one instance shall not preclude enforcement of such provision on future occasions. Headings are for reference purposes only and have no substantive effect.

Arbitration of Disputes

Any claim, controversy or dispute, whether sounding in contract, statute, tort, fraud, misrepresentation or other legal theory, related directly or indirectly to this Agreement, whenever brought and whether between the Parties to this Agreement or between one of the parties to this agreement and the employees, agents or affiliated businesses of the other Party, shall be resolved by arbitration as prescribed in this section. A single arbitrator who is a retired Swiss judge shall conduct the arbitration under the then current Swiss rules. The arbitrator shall be selected by mutual agreement within thirty (30) days of written notice by one Party to the other invoking this arbitration provision, in accordance with Swiss Arbitration procedures from a list of qualified people. The arbitration shall be conducted in Switzerland and all expedited prescribed procedures shall apply. There shall be no discovery other than the exchange of information which is provided to the arbitrator by the Parties. The arbitrator shall have authority only to grant specific performance and to order other equitable relief and to award compensatory damages, but shall not have the authority to award punitive damages or other non-compensatory damages or any other form of relief. The arbitrator shall award to the prevailing party its reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs and other expenses incurred in the arbitration, except the parties shall share equally the fees and expenses of the arbitrator. The arbitrator’s decision and award shall be final and binding, and judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.

Personal Guarantee Agreement

This Personal Guarantee is entered into by and between BBM and the undersigned (the Guarantor), and is to be effective upon complete execution of the signature blocks provided below (Effective Date). The undersigned does hereby guarantee and agree to pay any and all indebtedness of any nature whatsoever incurred by the Client to BBM. It is understood that this Guarantee shall be a continuing, unconditional, and irrevocable guarantee to repay and indemnify such indebtedness of the Client. The Guarantor hereby agrees that all rights, remedies, and recourses afforded to BBM by reason of this Guarantee or otherwise are separate and cumulative and may be pursued separately, successively, or concurrently, as occasion therefore shall arise, and are nonexclusive and shall in no way limit or prejudice any other legal or equitable right, remedy, or recourse which BBM may have. The Guarantor hereby waives notice of default, non-payment, and notice thereof and consents to any modification or renewal of the service agreement hereby guaranteed. The Guarantor agrees to pay all cost, interest, and reasonable attorney fees incurred by BBM in collection amounts hereby guaranteed, whether from the Client, the Client’s company subsidiary, or the Guarantor. I hereby agree to bind myself to pay BBM promptly on demand, without offset, credit or deduction of any kind, any sum which may become due to BBM by the above Client, a bankruptcy trustee, or a creditor of the Client pursuant to bankruptcy or insolvency laws.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Contract Agreement

This contract is entered into between Blue Balloon Marketing (“BBM”) and the Client stated in SEO Contract Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Client”) on the date specified on the Master Service Agreement and the Search Engine Optimization Agreement.

  1. BBM will provide the Client with Search Engine Optimization Services (hereinafter referred to as “SEO”) as described in the Master Service Agreement and / or the Search Engine Optimization Agreement (incorporated herein by reference). BBM will use specific keywords and/or phrases to improve the search engine ranking of, and/or position the contents of the Client’s website.
  2. Search Engine Optimization Fees: The total fee for the SEO services to be provided on a monthly basis specified by the Client’s contract. All fees must be paid in full after the end of each monthly cycle. BBM‘s SEO services are intended to serve two main purposes:
    • First, to provide the Client with increased exposure in search engines, and
    • Second, to drive targeted online traffic to the site.
  3. BBM‘s SEO Services will include (but are not limited to):
    • Researching keywords and phrases to select appropriate, relevant search terms.
    • Obtaining “back links” from other related websites and directories in order to generate link popularity and traffic.
    • Editing and/or optimization of text for various html tags, meta data, page titles, and page text if necessary.
    • Analysis and recommendations on optimal website structure, navigation, code, etc. for best SEO purposes.
    • Recommend, as required, additional web pages or content for the purpose of “catching” keyword/phrase searches.
    • Create ranking reports for client’s site and any associated pages showing rankings in the major search engines.
  4. For the purposes of receiving professional SEO services, Client agrees to provide the following:
    • Administrative/backend access to the website for analysis of content and structure.
    • Permission to make changes for the purpose of optimization, and to communicate directly with any third parties, e.g., your web designer, if necessary.
    • Unlimited access to existing website traffic statistics for analysis and tracking purposes.
    • Authorization to use client pictures, logos, trademarks, website images, pamphlets, or other content for any use as deemed necessary by BBM for search engine optimization purposes.
    • If Client’s site is lacking in textual content, the Client will provide additional text content in electronic format for the purpose of creating additional or richer web pages. BBM can create site content at additional cost to the Client.
  5. Cancellation Policy: SEO
    • Auto-renewal at the end of the current contract period for a month to month renewal unless the Client notifies BBM in writing to cancel the service within 60 days prior to the contract end date. The SEO contracts will automatically convert to a month to month agreement, billed in the same manner and amount as the existing SEO agreement and beginning after the existing contract ends. The Client must give BBM a minimum of sixty (60) days advance notice of the intent to cancel the month to month contract in writing at [email protected] or via certified mail to Richtistrasse 7, 8304 Wallisellen, Switzerland.
  6. The Client must acknowledge the following with respect to SEO services:
    • All fees are non-refundable.
    • Failure to provide mandatory sixty (60) day written notice of cancellation will result in a one-time cancellation fee equal to 1.5 times the monthly contract amount. The Client agrees that BBM will maintain ownership of the intellectual property provided to the Client until the account is closed and all balances owed are paid. After which, the intellectual property provided to the client shall be deemed a ‘work for hire’ and ownership transferred to the Client.
    • All fees, services, documents, recommendations, and reports are confidential.
    • BBM has no control over the policies of search engines with respect to the type of sites and/or content that they accept now or in the future. The Client’s website may be excluded from any directory or search engine at any time at the sole discretion of the search engine or directory.
    • Due to the competitiveness of some keywords/phrases, on-going changes in search engine ranking algorithms, and other competitive factors, BBM does not guarantee any particular positions or consistent top 10 positions for any particular keyword, phrase, or search term.

Google has been known to hinder the rankings of new websites (or pages) until they have proven their viability to exist for more than a predetermined time of Google’s
discretion. This is referred to as the “Google Sandbox”. BBM assumes no liability for ranking/traffic/indexing issues related to Google Sandbox penalties.

Occasionally, search engines will drop listings for no apparent or predictable reason. Often, the listing will reappear without any additional SEO. Should a listing be dropped during the SEO campaign and does not reappear within thirty (30) days of campaign completion, BBM will re-optimize the website/page based on the current policies of the search engine in question.

Some search directories offer expedited listing services for a fee. If the Client wishes to engage in said expedited listing services (e.g., paid directories), the Client is responsible for all paid for inclusion or expedited service fees. BBM can offer a list of expedited listing services upon request.

BBM does not, by default, host or maintain the client’s website and is not responsible for fees or service issues. In no event shall BBM be liable, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, for any indirect, incidental or consequential damages (including lost savings or profit, lost data, business.)

  1. Hosting: If BBM does host the Client website, contract terms will either be annotated on the SEO agreement or separate agreement. The following terms and conditions apply:
    • Auto-renewal at the end of the current contract period for a month to month unless the Client notifies BBM in writing to cancel the service within 60 days prior to the contract end date.
    • The Hosting contract will automatically convert to a month to month agreement, billed in the same manner and amount as the existing hosting agreement and beginning after the existing contract ends.
    • The Client must give BBM a minimum of sixty (60) days advance notice of the intent to cancel the month to month contract in writing at [email protected] or via certified mail to Richtistrasse 7, 8304 Wallisellen, Switzerland.
    • The Client may be billed for additional fees for assistance to transfer to new hosting.
    • The Client will be notified and must agree prior to additional fees being assessed.
    • BBM hosting service does not include additional cost incurred from hacking or unauthorized access.

  1. Responsibility: BBM is not responsible for changes made to the website by other parties that adversely affect the search engine rankings of the Client’s website.
  2. Additional Services: Any services not specifically listed herein (such as managing pay- per click campaigns, copywriting, web design, re-design, or any changes associated with the website that do not involve on page SEO work at the discretion of BBM, etc.), are not included.
  3. Intellectual Property Rights: The Client guarantees any elements of text, graphics, photos, designs, trademarks, or other artwork provided to BBM for inclusion on the website above are owned by the Client, or that the Client has received permission from the rightful owner(s) to use each of the elements, and will hold harmless, protect, and defend BBM and its subcontractors from any liability or suit arising from the use of such elements.
  4. Venue and Dispute Resolution: This Agreement (Contract) shall be governed by the laws of Switzerland and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Switzerland in respect of any dispute or difference between the client and BBM arising out of this Agreement. Any dispute or difference can also be resolved outside the court by appointing an independent third party (also known as arbitrator or mediator) on mutual agreement of the client and BBM.
  5. Attorney Fees: Any late payment, failure to pay, or legal action required to enforce this agreement shall be subject to costs of enforcement and/or collections, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses.
  6. Miscellaneous: This document and any attachments incorporated by reference constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to its subject matter and supersede all other communications, whether written or oral. This Agreement may be modified or amended only by a writing signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought. Any provision of this agreement found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or unenforceable shall be automatically conformed to the minimum requirements of law and all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. Neither party shall be liable for delays caused by events caused by acts of God, civil unrest, terrorism, or other incidences beyond the control of the parties. Waiver of any provision of this agreement in one instance shall not preclude enforcement of such provision on future occasions. Headings are for reference purposes only and have no substantive effect

Software Development Agreement

This Software Development Agreement (“Software Agreement”) is made by and between Blue Balloon Marketing (“BBM”) and the Client listed on the the Master Service Agreement and the information document for the Software Development incorporated herein by reference. In consideration of the mutual promises herein contained, the parties agree as follows:

Duties and Responsibilities

BBM shall serve as a contractor of the Client and shall design, develop, and implement applications software (the “Software”) according to the functional specifications and related information, if any, listed on the Software Development information document. BBM acknowledges that it has been contracted for this specific task, and that it shall report all findings and make all recommendations directly to the management of the Client. The Software, including all versions in either source code or object code form, shall be delivered to Client in accordance with the Master Service Agreement.

Ownership of Software

BBM agrees that the development of the Software is “work made for hire” within the meaning of the European Copyright Act of 1978, as amended, and that the Software shall be the sole property of Client. BBM hereby assigns to the Client, without further compensation, all of its right, title and interest in and to the Software and any and all related patents, patent applications, copyrights, copyright applications, trademarks and trade names in Switzerland and elsewhere.

Independent Contractor

BBM is acting as an independent contractor with respect to the services provided to the Client. Neither BBM nor the employees of BBM performing services for the Client will be considered employees or agents of the Client. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to imply a joint venture, partnership or principal-agent relationship between the parties, and neither party by virtue of this Agreement shall have any right, power or authority to act or create any obligation, express or implied, on behalf of the other party.


BBM will utilize employees and/or contractors capable of designing and implementing the Software to be developed hereunder. All work shall be performed in a professional and workmanlike manner.

Change in Specifications

The Client may, in its sole discretion, request that changes be made to the Specifications, or other aspects of the Agreement and tasks associated with this Agreement. If the Client requests such a change, BBM will use its best efforts to implement the requested change at no additional expense to the Client and without delaying delivery of the Software. In the event that the proposed change will, in the reasonable opinion of BBM, require a delay in delivery of the Software or would result in additional expense to the Client, then the Client must approve additional fees and delay of the Project.


BBM acknowledges that all material and information supplied by the Client which has or will come into BBM’s possession or knowledge of BBM in connection with its performance hereunder, is to be considered the Client’s confidential and proprietary information (the “Confidential Information”). By way of illustration, but not as a limitation, Confidential Information includes the Software, trade secrets, processes, data, knowhow, program codes, documentation, flowcharts, algorithms, marketing plans, forecasts, unpublished financial statements, budgets, licenses, prices, costs, and employee and customer lists. BBM’s undertakings and obligations under this Section will not apply, however, to any Confidential Information which: (i) is or becomes generally known to the public through no action on BBM’s part, (ii) is generally disclosed to third parties by the Client without restriction on such third parties, or (iii) is approved for release by written authorization of the Client. Upon termination of this Agreement or at any other time upon request, BBM will promptly deliver to the Client all notes, memoranda, notebooks, drawings, records, reports, files, documented source codes and other documents (and all copies or reproductions of such materials) in its possession or under its control, whether prepared by BBM or others, which contain Confidential Information.


BBM shall provide the Client with training consultations with respect to the use of the Software as further described in the Master Service Agreement. All training that BBM is required to provide hereunder shall be performed at such locations and at such times as are mutually agreed to by the parties. Upon the expiration of the Training Period, BBM will provide any support services necessary to insure the Client’s continued use of the Software. Such services will be performed on a time and basis at BBM’s then current hourly rates for such services.

Term and Termination

This Agreement shall commence upon the effective date and continue until all of the obligations of the parties have been performed. Termination of this Agreement will forfeit the Client’s deposit.


All notices and other communications required or permitted hereunder or necessary or convenient in connection herewith shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given when mailed by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, or by commercial overnight delivery service addressed as to the respective party.

No Waiver

The failure of a party to require strict performance of any provision of this Agreement by the other, or the forbearance to exercise any right or remedy, shall not be construed as a waiver by such party of any such right or remedy or preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right or remedy.

Entire Agreement

This Agreement, with the Master Service Agreement and the terms listed on the Software Development Agreement information document (incorporated herein by reference) constitutes the entire agreement between parties as to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior understandings or agreements whether oral or written. This Agreement may be modified only be written instrument signed by the parties.


This Agreement shall be binding upon and insure to the benefit of the successors and permitted assigns of the parties.


If any term of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, then this Agreement, including all of the remaining terms, will remain in full force and effect as if such invalid or unenforceable term had never been included.

Governing Law/Jurisdiction/Venue

The terms of this Agreement shall be construed and enforced under the laws of Switzerland. The parties hereby unconditionally submit to the specific and general jurisdiction of a competent Swiss court.


The headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not to be used in construction or interpretation.